Data Transfer
The final step for joining our platform is to establish how you want the information presented to you. There are three main options that are typically requested and available from us, which are presented below:
Batch files by SFTP
- High level of security and automation
- Loaded between 0300 and 0400 everyday
- Date stamp and unique sequential number for file name is required
Example: e.g. ELX_SupplierName_20130729040101_001_V1.8.csv
- Most Popular method
- All switches up to a few seconds are included
- Frequency and timing of load can be customised
- Files are only sent when they exist (unless discussed)
API Loads
Installation will require detailed liaison between your IT team and our own IT Team.
- Most secure and efficient process available
- Instantaneous Load to your systems
Batch Files by email
- Sent in a .csv file
- Sent between 0300-0400 for 365 days per year
- date stamp and a unique sequential number for file name is required
- Simplest data transfer
- Second email includes the password/ encryption
- Security level: Low
- All switches up to a few seconds before email are included in transfer
- Frequency and timing of emails can be customised
- Files are only sent when they exist (unless discussed)
Example: e.g. ELX_SupplierName_20130729040101_001_V1.8.csv